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A public health approach to problem gambling

18th - 20th June 2025

Website under construction! Some information is not yet available, nor are the French and German versions.


to the 5th International Multidisciplinary Symposium

Four editions of the International Multidisciplinary Symposium were already held: “From legislation to action” and “Preventing excessive gambling within an addictive society” (University of Lausanne, 2005 and 2008), “Excessive gambling: Prevention and Harm Reduction” (University of Neuchatel, 2014), "Gambling addiction: science, independence, transparency" (University of Fribourg, 2018).

This symposium addresses public social health including professionals practicing in the field of prevention and gambling addiction, and more generally, addictive behaviours.

But its aim is also to attract all allied professionals interested in these issues, including: Legal and economic professionals, politicians, public health professionals and those working in the prevention field, excessive gambling and addictions researchers, professionals concerned with operator social responsibility, etc.


It includes plenary sessions, parallel symposia and workshops, round table discussions, oral communications, posters, video material and stands. Communication are in the four working languages: French, German, Italian, and English. Plenary conferences are translated. The main presentations benefit from simultaneous translation.

This symposium is exclusively financed by public and academic funds.